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10th Grade

Sophomore year is a time of independence and exploration.


This is the year to start making a plan for standardized testing.  Determining which test to focus on can save time and effort.


This is the year to decide if pursuing dual enrollment, or AP is the best path.  There are benefits and drawbacks to each and it is important to understand the differences and how they will impact your student.

Self-Discovery- Sophomore year is a time of increased independence and exploration.  Your student is continuing to find their identity but they are also starting to explore more about where their interests lie.  By 15-16 years old, your student's aptitudes are solidified. Their interests will continue to evolve through the years.  We employ assessments to help to identify these natural abilities and curiosities and then use this to begin exploring how these may pair with future studies and extracurriculars. 

Course Selection Planning - We work with you to create a plan for which courses to take each year based on rigor, interest, and future options. As mentioned above, this is the year to determine your academic pathway for the remaining years of high school.  We help you understand the differences as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each option.  

Extracurricular Activity Planning - This is the year to start taking on deeper involvement.   Remember that colleges care about what you are involved in but also the depth and breadth of your involvement.  We work with your student to emphasize involvement in and out of the classroom.  We begin the guided journey to identify interests and explore opportunities and see your child for the unique individual he/she is. 

Community Service-  Sophomore year continues the opportunity to try out different opportunities and help contribute to causes that have meaning to you. Colleges want to see how and where students give back to their community.  Every Florida student has the opportunity to earn the Bright Futures scholarship if they qualify. One of those qualifications is 75-100 hours of community service (restrictions apply).  Though the scholarship opportunity is nice, the reality is that these experiences along with your extracurriculars will also make writing the college application that much easier as well. But it isn't just about logging the hours, it is about having impactful experiences. How do you want to give back? 

Standardized Testing- Testing is becoming less of an emphasis in some parts of the country but for now many institutions still require them.  Having a strategy is important. 

Major/Career Advising - Many students don't know what they want to study until well into college.  That is normal only because many are only aware of a handful of possibilities. We believe that the earlier they are exposed to what options are available the more likely they are to find what interests them.  We want to help your student begin to identify the challenges where they hope to make a difference in our society. We use the self-discovery process to identify their strengths and develop a plan to explore options and begin to dive deeper into their interests to find a path toward their ultimate passions with a stop into a major to study along the way.  From conducting interviews with professionals to internships, we help students identify opportunities to broaden their horizons and knowledge of what is out there for them to place their mark upon.  Helping them discover how is one of our primary goals.  Our students are our future, what will they create?  



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