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Freshman year is a time of self-discovery and getting involved.


The classes your student chooses at the end of 8th grade for their Freshman year will impact the course plan for the rest of high school. 


If your student is interested in dual enrollment, these classes will affect their ability to take exploratory courses in Junior and Senior years based on high school graduation requirements.  Don't just guess. 

Self-Discovery- High school is a time for your student to explore their identity.  They are no longer simply an extension of you, their parents.  It is a process of deciding how they want to be identified and experimenting with who they are (hopefully safely and smartly with your guidance and some guard rails).  Where do they gain energy? How do they perceive the world?  What do they value? What are their strengths and, conversely, what challenges them?  Some people are naturally outgoing while others are shy and those things present unique challenges for each individual.  We explore personality traits so that they can better understand themselves. 


Course Selection Planning - Colleges look at the rigor your local school offers and your student is compared to others from similar education opportunities.  We work with you to create a plan for which courses to take each year based on rigor, interest, and future options. If you noticed the tip above, the courses chosen this year can impact far down the line.  If your student wants to follow a dual enrollment path, there are different courses that someone wanting to follow an AP track.  And different tracks are better for different students and families and their future goals.  


Community Service- Extracurriculars are not only about joining the band or a sports team.  Colleges want to see how students give back to their community.  Every Florida student has the opportunity to earn the Bright Futures scholarship if they qualify. One of those qualifications is 75-100 hours of community service (restrictions apply).  Though the scholarship opportunity is nice, the reality is that these experiences along with your extracurriculars will also make writing the college application that much easier as well. But it isn't just about logging the hours, it is about having impactful experiences. How do you want to give back? 

Extracurricular Activity Planning - Colleges care about what you are involved in but also the depth and breadth of your involvement.  We work with your student to emphasize involvement in and outside of the classroom.  We begin the guided journey to identify interests and explore opportunities and see your child for the unique individual he/she is. 


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